Yes people, I have returned to school and it feels damn good! (:
Now I've made a huge change this semester, which is the school that I attend. I am currently enrolled in Solano Community College out of Fairfield, CA, whereas before I was attending Napa Community College.
It's honestly too soon to tell how I feel about Solano since today was my first day but I really did love today! (: Maybe it's just my love for school, who knows? I have to say this though, there are a lot of differences between the two colleges even though they're only a few cities apart, LOL(main difference:demographics).
I know there are many people who think switching colleges, especially community colleges, is stupid but I've ran into several personal as well as economic issues while attending Napa Community College and change was definitely in order. Getting to Solano is much easier for me than Napa, Solano's payment plan fits my economic situation much better, and I feel more comfortable at Solano. I'm not sure what it is, but I just do.
During my time at Napa, I felt lonely, out of place, and out numbered whereas at Napa, I feel the complete opposite. Although I maintained good grades and did really well at Napa, I wasn't happy and something had to give, realizing that good grades didn't necessarily equal success if I wasn't happy. Taking a break this past semester was probably one of the best things I could have done for myself. A lot of people didn't understand and to be quite honest, neither did I. But I have learned that I had to find my happiness, my comfort zone and myself before I could make another move. Especially a decision regarding an important aspect of my life, my education.
Now comfortable with my lifestyle, I'm happy to say that I'm back and ready to take on this semester. I wish all students a safe, successful and of course, happy semester. Just know that only YOU can do for yourself what is best and if you aren't happy then #GetThere ! No matter the cost, distance or time, just #GetThere ! (:
Love to all of you! xo.
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